What is Shamanic Journeying?

Shamanic journeying is a practice rooted in shamanism, an ancient spiritual and healing tradition found in various cultures worldwide. It involves entering an altered state of consciousness to explore the realms of non-ordinary reality in order to gain insight, receive guidance, and connect with spiritual allies and energies.

In a shamanic journey, individuals typically use rhythmic drumming, rattling, or other repetitive sounds to induce a trance-like state. This altered state allows them to enter what is often referred to as the shamanic “journey” or “dreamtime.” During this journey, the practitioner’s consciousness travels to different realms, such as the lower world, upper world, or middle world, depending on the specific cosmology or beliefs of the shamanic tradition.

In these realms, individuals may encounter spirit guides, power animals, ancestors, or other spiritual beings who can offer wisdom, healing, or assistance. They may explore landscapes, receive symbolic messages, or engage in transformative experiences. Shamans and shamanic practitioners often use this practice for various purposes, such as personal healing, divination, soul retrieval, or connecting with the spiritual aspects of nature and the cosmos.

Shamanic journeying is often seen as a way to tap into the wisdom of the spiritual realms and access information beyond ordinary perception. It can provide insights, guidance, and healing on a personal, emotional, and spiritual level. The experience of a shamanic journey is highly individual, and the interpretations of the symbols and encounters vary from person to person.